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Home After Getting a Stent

Key discharge points

1. If further chest pain occurs contact your General Practitioner or if the pain persists and does not respond to GTN/Anginine call an ambulance.

2. If bleeding occurs apply firm pressure to the puncture site and call either your General Practitioner or an ambulance.

3. If you notice any swelling, increased pain or excessive bruising in the groin area, contact your General Practitioner. 4. Normal physical activities are generally resumed one week following discharge. Until this time, avoid any heavy lifting or straining.

5. If you have a plastic dressing on your groin, please remove the dressing the 2nd day following your procedure.

6. Following your coronary angioplasty and stent insertion - your cardiologist usually recommends the medication Clopidigrel (Plavix / Isocover) to be taken for either one month or one year. Clopidigrel helps prevent clot formation within the stent. It is very important you take this medication for the duration as directed by your cardiologist. If you need to stop this medication for planned or unplanned surgery, please inform your treating cardiologist. Aspirin will also be prescribed life long, unless you have had a previous reaction. In this instance, Clopidigrel alone is the drug of choice.


Cardiac Rehabilitation

 It is extremely important to start cardiac rehabilitation soon after leaving hospital. Cardiac rehabilitation provides education, exercise and support for people with heart disease. If you have not heard from the programme co-ordinator within 2 weeks after your discharge date, please contact the programme co-ordinator directly (refer to your Cardiocard). We recommend you visit your general practitioner within the first week of discharge. If you have any questions please talk to your doctor or nurse before going home.


Checklist on Discharge

â–¡ Cardiocard (to be kept with you at all times). â–¡ Pharmacist – has provided medications, list of Medications and explanation.

â–¡ GTN spray/Anginine tablets.

â–¡ Cardiologist outpatient appointment

â–¡ Xrays

â–¡ Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme

â–¡ GP review in one week






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